Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Day and "Leftover" Stew

It's a snow day!

Today, at home with the kids, I decide to utilize the "leftover bucket" in my freezer.  For the past few weeks, after clearing off the table, if there are any little bits of supper left but not quite enough for another meal, I add it to the ice cream bucket in the freezer.  We have accumulated green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, rice and steak pieces. 

Put the whole shebang in the stock pot with two cartons of beef broth and let it go.  Simmer for a while and enjoy "Leftover" Stew.  

Grocery Savings Update:  hit the local grocery store this morning.  Of course I only went for milk and eggs as we're in a blizzard...and every good Midwesterner knows if it snows you have to stock up on milk, eggs and bread.  No, I don't know why.  I just know my Mom and Grandma did it so it must be right.  Anyway, I ended up picking up a few more things.  Saved 48%!  
Success :)

The Hubby is at work in the city today.  The snow is bad enough that they closed his corporate office at 1:00 but also so bad he doesn't get to come home.  He has to stay in the city tonight.  Hope he gets to come home tomorrow!  I'm grateful for his brother though as Hubby has a safe place to stay.

The two little boys, our one daughter and I will have the "Leftover" Stew for supper tonight.  I'll be sure to update later!  


Too much rice.  It's more of a rice soup with some other stuff in it.  I'll keep this in mind next time.  This was a super cheap meal even considering I served it with Grands Biscuits (that I got on sale plus coupon making them less than a dollar a can :) )

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